Sunday, August 25, 2013


Teaching and learning are the most dynamic elements in the world. The education field has observed a number of changes. If we look into the past the face to face teaching was dominating in the learning process. But the advancement of technology and the busy modern life forced the educators to think and find out alternative methods of delivering the course so that it should be accessible to everyone conveniently.
Pedagogies are institutional approaches to create learning environment. The choice of pedagogy depends on many factors like:
     1.       Context
     2.       Content
     3.       Learner
Context refers to the learning environment which includes the infrastructure, stake holders, and state policies. Online or blended pedagogies require well developed means of electronic communication. The nature of the course is also a key point in determining the right pedagogy. The completely theoretical course can be developed as purely online. On the other hand, a course that has a practical content can be delivered through blended pedagogy. The practical content can be delivered through block courses and theoretical component can be completed online. The centre of the whole learning process is the learner. Are they digitally literate? If yes, online pedagogy is suitable for them. If no, the blended pedagogy will serve our purpose in which they can be facilitated to use modern technology in learning.
An electronic portfolio is a platform where a user manages the evidences of his learning by using different online tools like blogs, slide share, wiki spaces, uploading text, videos, images and hyperlinks. Jenny (2005) states, “E-portfolios, like traditional portfolios, can facilitate students' reflection on their own learning, leading to more awareness of learning strategies and needs.” They can be updated conveniently therefore they are very dynamic. Personal learning environment puts the learner at the centre. It allows the learners to manage, modify, arrange the learning material as it suits to them. Personal Learning Environments (PLE’s) are the systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to:
       1.       Set their own learning goals.
       2.       Manage their learning, both content and process.
       3.       Communicate with others in the process of learning.
Nowadays digital portfolios are gaining momentum at all levels of education. They are becoming popular at schools where the record the students’ development is kept updated online which is always available to the parents and the students. Tertiary education which is more self directed helps the learners and the facilitators to reflect on the learning development and plan accordingly the future course of action. 

 Moon, Jenny. (2005). "Guide for Busy Academics No. 4: Learning through reflection" (MSWord). The Higher Education Academy. Retrieved from on 25 August 2013.
Van Harmelen, H., "Design trajectories: four experiments in PLE implementation", Interactive Learning Environments, 1744-5191, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 36 – 46 Retrieved from 25 August 2013.

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