Saturday, August 31, 2013

Literacy and Numeracy

The level of literacy and numeracy of students differs a lot individually at tertiary institutions. Some of them are good in reading but cannot extract the theme of the text they read. The tertiary educators dealing with literacy and numeracy should understand their learners’ skills of literacy and numeracy and accordingly plan their strategy to enable the learner to meet the demand of the course.
I would like to mention the teaching session on reading by Pariya Williams at Language Learning Centre. The learners were diverse in terms of age, gender and understanding. Among the male learners some were mature adults and three of them were young adults. Among the females also two were mature and others were young adults. They were from China and other South East Asian countries.
Rebecca (2011) mentions in her blog the following techniques for reading.
1.      Show and tell
2.      Tap into Prior Knowledge
3.      Give time to talk
4.      Pre-teach Vocabulary
5.      Use visual aids
6.      Pause , ask questions , pause , Review
 I observed some of the techniques in Pariya’s class. She used different scaffolding techniques to develop their reading. She divided the whole text into small pieces and told them to read a small part. She also applied the differentiation technique and facilitated those learners who were struggling with vocabulary. She emphasized on ‘Think Aloud’ technique in which the students discussed in groups the topic sentence and tried to understand the theme of the passage. She started with the topic sentence of the passage and the students understood that the theme of the passage is to find the causative factor of shortage of teachers in the United Kingdom. She gave them time to talk and was taking pauses and asking questions after a little pause.
Similarly the other constituents (writing and speaking) of literacy can be developed through scaffolding and differentiation techniques. The educators should try to develop their lesson plans keeping in mind the context and culture of the adult learners because these are the two essential elements to engage the adult learners.  
The New Zealand Ministry of Education (2010) launched various numeracy projects which provide guidelines for students, parents and facilitators. The online material to learn numeracy is organized.   Numeracy can be best developed in the context. The best way to start with is learning about numbers by counting the objects. The selection of objects to be counted should of their interest for example an adult farmer can be asked to count the number of sheep in the pictures. Gradually they should learn the recognition of number from 0 to 9. This can be done by displaying charts and cards. Initially the number should be written in order. Later on cards with jumbled numbers should be given to them and they should be asked to rewrite them in correct order. In this way using scaffolding and differentiation techniques the facilitator should teach them large numbers, add, and subtract, multiply and numerical word problems. The statements of the word problems should be selected with utmost care. For example: “Martin went to the supermarket. He had $25. He bought a packet of bread for $2, 1 kg. cooking oil for $6, two packets of biscuits for $1.15 each. How much did he spend in all? How much money had he left with?” The problems should be related to their daily life. I would like to give the example of a numeracy project launched by the local govt. for the farmers in my home town. It was held in the grain market in 2006. The facilitators enabled the illiterate farmers to learn about numbers by counting the sacks of wheat. They were practicing numeracy orally. How many sacks were packed each day? How many of them are loaded into the trucks? How many of them are left? After getting oral practice, they were taught to recognize the numbers through cards and feedback was taken by asking them questions about the numbers written on different objects in the market. The next step was to write the numbers and the practice was given through a number chart and they were told to count the number of sacks packed per hour and note down the number on paper by looking at the chart for each hour. They also learnt to prepare a bill for the crop sold in the last two days. The facilitator took the copies of the bill and enabled them to practice. Initially they calculated for small amount and with practice they learnt to prepare the bill for large calculation.

Alber, R. (2011). The six scaffolding strategies to use with your students. Retrieved from on August 31, 2013.
The New Zealand Ministry of education. (2010). Numeracy Projects. Retrieved from on August 31, 2013.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Adult Development Theories

Baumgartner (2000) mentions four lenses through which adult development will be seen are: behavioral or mechanistic, cognitive or psychological, contextual or socio-cultural, and integrative.
1.       Behavioral Approach: According to this approach people learn by responding to stimuli. Instructors provide opportunity for drills and practice to the learners. They use positive and negative reinforcement to develop a certain behavior.
2.       Cognitive Approach: The psychological or cognitive perspective focuses on an individual's "internal developmental processes" in interaction with the environment (Clark & Caffarella,1999,p.5). It emphasizes that adult learner learn through active participation and interaction with their environment.
3.       Contextual Approach: The contextual or socio-cultural perspective on development works from the point of view that adult development cannot be understood apart from the socio-historical context in which it occurs (Miller, 1993). Socio-cultural elements such as race, class, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation influence adult development. It is the intersection of these factors rather than a single factor that affects adult development and learning (Baumgartner & Merriam, 2000). The instructors who favor this approach try to blend the different cultural and contextual content into their teaching methods. They keep themselves aware of the diversity of their learners.
4.       Integrated Approach: The integrated approach to adult development takes a holistic view of adult development. This perspective is focused on how the intersections of mind, body, and socio-cultural influences affect development (Clark & Caffarella, 1999). It is believed that there is a connection between mind, body, spirit and socio-cultural factors. Educators believe in the all round development of the learners. The learner should grow intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually, aesthetically and morally. (Miller, 1999).

Teaching Philosophy: A good teacher follows one teaching philosophy. A better teacher favors two philosophies. The best teacher always considers his learners to adopt a certain teaching philosophy. I never remain stuck to one teaching philosophy. I believe in alternative and suitable learning model that suits my learners. After examining the above mentioned approaches, I find my teaching philosophy mostly fit into the integrated approach as I always favor the all round development of my learners.  

Baumgartner, L., & Merriam, S. M. (2000). Adult Learning and Development: Multicultural Stories. Malabar, FL: Krieger. Retrieved from on 25 August 2013
Clark, M., & Caffarella, R. (eds.) (2000), An Update on Adult Development Theory: New Ways of Thinking about the Life Course. (New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 84.) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from on 25 August 2013
Miller, J.  (1999). "Making connections through holistic learning." Educational Leadership, 56 (4), 46-48. Retrieved from on 25 August 2013


Teaching and learning are the most dynamic elements in the world. The education field has observed a number of changes. If we look into the past the face to face teaching was dominating in the learning process. But the advancement of technology and the busy modern life forced the educators to think and find out alternative methods of delivering the course so that it should be accessible to everyone conveniently.
Pedagogies are institutional approaches to create learning environment. The choice of pedagogy depends on many factors like:
     1.       Context
     2.       Content
     3.       Learner
Context refers to the learning environment which includes the infrastructure, stake holders, and state policies. Online or blended pedagogies require well developed means of electronic communication. The nature of the course is also a key point in determining the right pedagogy. The completely theoretical course can be developed as purely online. On the other hand, a course that has a practical content can be delivered through blended pedagogy. The practical content can be delivered through block courses and theoretical component can be completed online. The centre of the whole learning process is the learner. Are they digitally literate? If yes, online pedagogy is suitable for them. If no, the blended pedagogy will serve our purpose in which they can be facilitated to use modern technology in learning.
An electronic portfolio is a platform where a user manages the evidences of his learning by using different online tools like blogs, slide share, wiki spaces, uploading text, videos, images and hyperlinks. Jenny (2005) states, “E-portfolios, like traditional portfolios, can facilitate students' reflection on their own learning, leading to more awareness of learning strategies and needs.” They can be updated conveniently therefore they are very dynamic. Personal learning environment puts the learner at the centre. It allows the learners to manage, modify, arrange the learning material as it suits to them. Personal Learning Environments (PLE’s) are the systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to:
       1.       Set their own learning goals.
       2.       Manage their learning, both content and process.
       3.       Communicate with others in the process of learning.
Nowadays digital portfolios are gaining momentum at all levels of education. They are becoming popular at schools where the record the students’ development is kept updated online which is always available to the parents and the students. Tertiary education which is more self directed helps the learners and the facilitators to reflect on the learning development and plan accordingly the future course of action. 

 Moon, Jenny. (2005). "Guide for Busy Academics No. 4: Learning through reflection" (MSWord). The Higher Education Academy. Retrieved from on 25 August 2013.
Van Harmelen, H., "Design trajectories: four experiments in PLE implementation", Interactive Learning Environments, 1744-5191, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 36 – 46 Retrieved from 25 August 2013.